Alcohol and Other Drug Policy for RNs in NYS Employed in Healthcare Facilities

Could you please help with the following:

Access the Arizona Board of Nursing Web site and refer to the resource tab. Review the drug and alcohol assistance policy. Be sure to specifically address:

(1) What is the name of the assistant program?

(2) What does the assistance program expect to accomplish (what are its goals and why is it needed)?

(3) After assessing the content of the program, do you think it is effective in addressing these behaviors?

(4) Find another State Board of Nursing of your choice and compare and contrast the programs.

Website for policies: © BrainMass Inc. March 21, 2019, 9:01 pm ad1c9bdddf

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(1) What is the name of the assistant program?


(2) What does the assistance program expect to accomplish (what are its goals and why is it needed)?

Although “the guidelines do not attempt to identify all categories of complaints of potential substance abuse/use disorder”, the guidelines do “identify the most common categories of complaints received by the Board.” These main goal of the “investigative guidelines are intended to protect the public and for consistency in the investigation of similar allegations and in Board decision-making.” (

Why is it needed?

It is needed for the Board of Nursing because it “has a duty to protect the public health, safety and welfare and individuals who misuse, abuse and/or are active in a substance use disorder have the potential to place patients/public at risk.” As well these types of complaints are the most common complaints made to board, so guidelines are essential in the investigation. It is well known that healthcare professionals who have active substance use disorder, including addiction, have high potential to negatively impact patient safety. Therefore, to the board to consider an “independent expert evaluations in some cases to assist the Board in determining risk and appropriate decision making by the Board” to help keep patient/public safe. (

(3) After assessing the …

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