Access to care has been identified as one of the main roadblocks from receiving health care.
Present both sides of the following scenario:
Ms. A has been living in the same neighborhood for 25 years, does not speak english, and can not drive, She worked years ago before she hurt her ack and has been on disability for several years. She rarely seeks medical advice because she views health care providers as unfriendly and unhelpful to her needs. She knows she should exercise and take her medications on a regular basis, but she feels nothing will make her feel better.
As a health care professional that lives in Ms. A’s neighborhood, how would you assist her to better health? Consider your own cultural, ehnic, and health care beliefs before making judgments. © BrainMass Inc. March 21, 2019, 8:56 pm ad1c9bdddf
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The goal of health care is to meet the health needs of individuals in order to provide them a better quality of life. Unfortunately, there are often various barriers that can prevent one from obtaining the necessary care needed to promote or maintain health. Those barriers often include lack of health insurance and/or distrust of healthcare professionals. Such is the case for Ms. A. who has been living in the same neighborhood for 25 years, does not speak English, and cannot drive. She worked years ago before she hurt her back and has been on disability for several years. She rarely seeks medical advice because she views health care providers as unfriendly and unhelpful to her needs. She knows she should exercise and take her medications on a regular basis, but she feels nothing will make her feel better. As a health care professional that lives in Ms. A’s neighborhood, I would assist her to better health in a variety of ways based on her needs:
1. Trust-Mrs. A. views health care providers as unfriendly and unhelpful to her needs. This is a powerful statement to consider as it provides the strongest barrier to Mr. A’s health care needs. For one thing, the …
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